ApS – Brugerbetingelser

Dato: [10]. november 2019

Virksomhedsoplysninger: ApS (”Banquet”)

CVR-nr. 40480285

Nordområdet 135 B, st.

1440 København K


  • 1.1 Disse brugerbetingelser gælder for brug af tjenester på vores hjemmeside, og alle ydelser, som vi yder til dig.

  • 1.2 Når du bruger vores hjemmeside, og/eller når du bestiller et tilbud gennem vores hjemmeside, anerkender du at have læst og accepteret disse brugerbetingelser og vores privatlivspolitik, der er tilgængelig på vores hjemmeside.

  • 1.3 Banquet tager forbehold for at ændre disse brugerbetingelser til enhver tid og uden varsel. Såfremt Banquet ændrer sine brugerbetingelser, er det brugerbetingelserne gældende på tidspunktet for din accept af et tilbud modtaget via vores hjemmeside, som finder anvendelse.


  • 2.1 På (”Hjemmesiden”) stiller Banquet en online platform til rådighed, hvor restaurationer, restauranter, kroer, beværtninger, spisesteder, madsteder og lignende (”Værten” eller ”Værterne”) kan tilbyde og sælge deres middage, selskabsmiddage, madoplevelser, festmenuer, festarrangementer, middagsarrangementer, menuer, frokoster og lignende (”Arrangementet” eller ”Arrangementerne”) til personer, der efterspørger et Arrangement (”Gæsten” eller ”Gæsterne”).

  • 2.2 Gæsterne kan på Hjemmesiden indtaste sine kontaktoplysninger og sine ønsker og kriterier for et Arrangement, herunder tid, sted, omfang, menu mv. Banquet matcher herefter Gæstens ønsker og kriterier med Værterne, videregiver Gæstens kriterier til de relevante Værter og indhenter tilbud til Gæstens ønskede Arrangement. Gæsten modtager tilbud på sin profilside og via den e-mailadresse, som Gæsten har indtastet på Hjemmesiden..

  • 2.3 Ved Gæstens accept af et tilbud fra Værten, indgår Gæsten og Værten direkte aftale med hinanden. Banquet optræder udelukkende som en formidler mellem Gæsten og Værten. Banquet derfor hverken (gen)sælger, udlejer eller tilbyder nogen Arrangementer.

  • 2.4 Når Banquet formidler Gæstens udbud af et Arrangement til Værterne og Værternes tilbud på et Arrangement til Gæsten, er de oplysninger Banquet formidler til henholdsvis Gæsten og Værterne baseret på de oplysninger, som Banquet modtager fra Gæsten og Værterne

  • 2.5 Banquet garanterer ikke, at samtlige oplysninger i Gæstens udbud og Værternes tilbud er nøjagtige, fyldestgørende eller korrekte. Banquet kan ikke holdes ansvarlige for eventuelle fejl i Gæstens udbud og/eller Værternes tilbud.

  • 2.6 Hver Vært holdes til enhver tid ansvarlig for, at den information, der er på vores plat-form om Værten er nøjagtig, fyldestgørende og korrekt.

  • 2.7 Hjemmesiden og Banquets tjeneste er udelukkende til privat brug for Gæster. Gæ-sterne og andre personer er derfor ikke berettiget til at videresælge eller på anden måde overføre tilbud modtaget via Banquet eller aftaler indgået via Banquet til tred-jemand.


  • 3.1 Medmindre andet er angivet, er brug af vores hjemmeside og tjeneste gebyrfri for Gæsten. Gæsten skal alene betale det beløb, der er tilbudt af Værten og accepteret Gæsten for et aftalt Arrangement.

  • 3.2 Værten betaler provision til Banquet for Arrangementer formidlet af Banquet.


  • 4.1 Når Gæsten indgår aftale med Værten, accepterer Gæsten Værtens gældende vilkår og betingelser for det pågældende Arrangement, herunder forudbetaling, depositum, afbestilling, aflysning, udeblivelse og betalingsbetingelser mv.

  • 4.2 En Værts gældende vilkår og betingelser kan indhentes hos den relevante Vært. Banquet anbefaler og opfordrer Gæsterne til at gennemlæse Værtens vilkår og betingelser og få afklaret eventuelle uklarheder om vilkårene, inden Gæsten indgår aftale om et Arrangement med Værten

  • 4.3 Banquets kundeservice kan hjælpe Gæsten med kontakt til Værten vedrørende spørgsmål til Værtens vilkår og betingelser for Arrangementet. Banquet er alene en formidler og påtager sig intet ansvar for indholdet af Gæstens og Værtens aftale.


  • 5.1 Banquet er alene en formidler af kontakten mellem Gæsten og Værten. Banquet fralægger sig ethvert ansvar for enhver korrespondance, aftale, forpligtelser og øvrige forhold mellem Gæsten og Værten. .

  • 5.2 Banquet kan ikke garantere, at henvendelser fra, tilbud fra eller andre løfter fra Værten bliver overholdt, respekteret, fulgt op på eller godkendt af Værten.

  • 5.3 Banquet fralægger sig ethvert ansvar for Gæsternes og Værternes brug af Hjemmesi-den. Banquet kan således ikke pålægges ansvar for fejl, afbrydelser, forstyrrelser, re-paration, opdatering eller vedligeholdelse af Hjemmesiden.

  • 5.4 Banquet er ikke ansvarlig for informationer som Gæsterne og/eller Værterne angiver på Hjemmesiden eller udveksler mellem hinanden. Banquet er derfor ikke ansvarlig for unøjagtige, misvisende eller forkerte information eller tilbageholdelse af informati-on.

  • 5.5 Hjemmesiden udgør ikke og bør ikke anses som en anbefaling eller bekræftelse af kvaliteten, serviceniveauet eller rangeringen af en given Vært.

  • 5.6 Banquet giver ikke udtalelser eller garantier for Værtens forpligtelser og leveringer til Gæsten. Gæsten anerkender og accepterer, at Værten alene er ansvarlig for Arrangementet og påtager sig alt ansvar og hæftelse i henhold til aftalen mellem Gæsten og Værten. Gæsten godkender og accepterer, at Værten til hver en tid er ansvarlig for alle opkrævninger, tilbageholdelser, tilbagebetalinger og lignende forhold relateret til Arrangementet.


  • 6.1 Medmindre andet er angivet, tilhører ejendomsretten og alle immaterielle rettigheder til software, indhold, information og materialet på vores hjemmeside Banquet og/eller den pågældende Vært.

  • 6.2 Gæsten har ikke ret til at kopiere, linke til, publicere, promovere, markedsføre, inte-grere, benytte, kombinere eller på anden måde bruge indholdet eller vores forret-ningskendetegn, uden vores skriftlige forudgående tilladelse.

  • 6.3 Ulovlig brug af vores rettigheder eller andet brud på dette punkt 6 betragtes som overtrædelse af vores immaterielle rettigheder.


  • 7.1 I forbindelse med Banquets levering af tjenester til Gæsten er det nødvendigt ind-samle, opbevare og behandle visse personoplysninger om Gæsten. I dette tilfælde gælder Banquets privatlivspolitik, der kan findes på Hjemmesiden.


  • 8.1 Såfremt en eller flere bestemmelse i disse brugerbetingelser måtte blive anset for ugyldige, umulig at håndhæve eller ikke-bindende, forbliver Gæsten, Værten og enhver anden bruger af Hjemmesiden bundet af alle de øvrige bestemmelser. I sådanne tilfælde skal en erstattende bestemmelse med lignende effekt som den ugyldige eller ikke-bindende bestemmelse accepteres.


  • 9.1 Enhver tvist vedrørende Banquets levering af tjenester og disse brugerbetingelser, herunder omfang og gyldighed, er underlagt dansk ret og skal indbringes for Køben-havns byret. ApS - Terms and Conditions for Business Partners ApS - Terms and Conditions for Business Partners

Date: 01/01 November 2019


Company details: ApS (”Banquet”)

Company reg. no. 40480285

Nordområdet 135 B, st.

DK-1440 Copenhagen K

  • Introduction to the terms and conditions

    1. These terms and conditions apply to any person who provides, markets, gives a quotation and/or sells products to users on Banquet’s website, and and to all associated services Banquet provides.

    2. In addition to these terms and conditions, Banquet’s terms of use for using and apply. The current terms of use can be found at and Banquet’s business partners are expected to familiarize themselves with the terms of use, which are accepted when the partner conducts business activities via Banquet. 

    3. Should you enter into specific agreements with Banquet, the contract documents will be prioritized as follows:

    1. Specific agreement 
    2. Banquet’s terms of use
    3. These terms and conditions
    1. Banquet reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without notice. The terms and conditions applicable at the time of entry into a sales agreement facilitated by Banquet will apply if Banquet changes the terms and conditions.

  • Banquet’s services

    1. Through and ("Websites"), Banquet provides an online platform where canteens and restaurants, inns, pubs, restaurants, food outlets and so forth ("Host" or "Hosts") may offer and sell their dinners, special occasion dinners, dining experiences, festive menus, parties, dinner events, menus, lunches, etc., ("Event" or "Events") for people who request an event ("Guest" or "Guests").

    2. On the website, Guests can enter their contact details, wishes and criteria for an Event, including time, location and scope, etc. Banquet then matches the Guest’s wishes and criteria with the Hosts and thereafter sends the Guest’s criteria to relevant Hosts and obtains a quotation for the Guest’s requested Event. The Guest receives quotations via the e-mail address the Guest provides on the Website.

    3. When the Guest accepts a quotation from the Host, the Guest and Host directly enter into an agreement with each other. Banquet is purely an intermediary between the Guest and Host. Banquet does not therefore (re)sell, rent out or offer any type of Event.

    4. When Banquet, as an intermediary, passes on the Guest's request for an Event to the Hosts and quotations for an Event from the Hosts to the Guest, the information that Banquet passes on to the Guest and Hosts, respectively, is based on the information Banquet receives from the Guest and Hosts. 

    5. Banquet does not guarantee that all information in the Guest’s request and the Hosts’ quotations are accurate, complete or correct. Banquet cannot be held liable for any errors in the Guest’s request and/or Hosts’ quotations.

    6. Each Host is responsible for ensuring that the information on our platform about the Host is accurate, complete and correct at all times. 

  • Subscription types and payment 

      1. The Host shall remunerate Banquet (“Remuneration”) for marketing the Host on the Website, the Host’s sales to Guests facilitated by Banquet and the Host's sales to Guests the Host finds or makes contact with via Banquet or the Website.

      2. The Remuneration is made up of commission for sold Events ("Commission") plus a possible fixed payment ("quarterly "), depending on which subscription the Host has signed up for with Banquet.

        1. Banquet must receive the Payment quarterly and no later than the first banking day of the month the quarterly Payment applies to. 

        2. The Commission is calculated on the basis of a commission rate for the total value of the Event excluding VAT according to the agreement between the Guest and Host. Banquet must receive the Commission no later than 14 days after the day of the Event is held (converts into payment when the Host receives the deposit for the event). 

  • Host’s registration with Banquet and obligations

    1. Once Banquet has approved the Host, the Host is added to Banquet’s system and a host profile is created on the Website for the Host simultaneously. 

    2. Within two months after the host profile is created, the Host must complete all information about the Host in the host profile, including the provision of an adequate description of the Host and the Host's products. Appropriate images and videos of the latter should also be uploaded. 

    3. The Host shall ensure that all material and text the Host uploads on the Website does not infringe third party rights or violate applicable laws.

    4. Should the Host offer special discount schemes, initiate special price promotions or otherwise offer exceptional prices or events, the Host is obliged to offer the same price and schemes via Banquet and the Website.

    5. Banquet is entitled to unregister, remove and change the Host’s host profile on the Website.

  • Banquet’s obligations towards the host

      1. Banquet shall at no expense to the Host include the Host’s name and/or logo in at least 1 marketing campaign on social media such as, for example, Facebook and Instagram.

      2. The Host undertakes to contact when they want to be included in a campaign. Material, offers, promotions, where information comes from, right to use their logo, etc.

      3. Banquet offers the Host telephone and e-mail support related to technical matters on the Website and matters concerning Guests.

  • Disclaimer

    1. Banquet is only an intermediary and facilitator of the contact between the Guest and Host. Banquet disclaims all liability for any correspondence, agreements, obligations and other matters between the Guest and Host. 

    2. Banquet cannot guarantee that enquiries and requests or other promises from the Guest will be maintained, respected, followed up on or approved by the Guest.

    3. Banquet disclaims all liability for how the Hosts use the Website. Banquet cannot be held liable for errors, interruptions, disruptions, repairs, updates or maintenance of the Website. 

    4. Banquet is not responsible for the information Guests give to the Host, regardless of whether the information is given on the Website. Banquet is therefore not responsible for inaccurate, misleading or false information or non-disclosed information from Guests.

    5. Banquet does not check Guests or provide any statements, warranties or representations for the ability of Guests to make payments or to fulfil obligations towards the Host. The Host acknowledges and agrees that only the Host can issue claims against the Guest and that Banquet has no responsibility or liability for the Guest's obligations towards the Host.

  • Intellectual property rights and references

      1. Banquet has full property rights and owns all intellectual property rights to the Website, including the associated customer base, design, copyright, trademark and business identifiers and other material on the Website. See, however, Clause 7.2.

      2. Banquet acknowledges the Host’s property rights and intellectual property rights related to, for example, but not limited to, the Host’s name, logo, trademark, business identifiers, copyright and other rights of the Host. 

      3. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Banquet is entitled to use the Host's name, logo, trademark, and the material and text the Host adds to the Host’s profile on the Website as a reference and for other advertising to market Banquet and the Website.

  • Duty of confidentiality

      1. Banquet observes unconditional confidentiality in relation to all information concerning the Host’s confidential affairs and information Banquet receives from the Host. 

      2. Banquet can use sub-suppliers in connection with the operation of the Website. Banquet ensures that potential sub-suppliers are subject to the duty of confidentiality and only receive information about the Host when necessary.

  • Protection of personal data

      1. In connection with Banquet’s facilitation of quotations from Hosts, the Guest discloses the Guest’s name and contact information to Banquet. In case Banquet forwards this information about the Guest to the Host, the Host shall ensure that the information is stored and processed properly and securely. Banquet’s privacy policy (found on the Website) shall be applied. 

  • Validity

    1. Should it be considered that one or more provisions of these terms and conditions are invalid, unenforceable or non-binding, the Host continues to be bound by all other provisions. In such cases, a replacement provision with an effect similar to the invalid or non-binding provision shall be accepted.


    1. Any dispute concerning Banquet’s delivery of services and these terms and conditions, including their scope and validity, is subject to Danish law and must be brought before the City Court of Copenhagen.